I’m closing out a couple sweet days of ministry in Texas this evening. The Duggar Family was here, Tom Harmon, Rick Grubbs and Don Richardson. The sun is setting. The trees are in full green leaf and the Wood Thrush is ringing evening vespers. A train whistle blows in the distance. It is balmy, cool. […]
George Grant’s Office
I have read and admired George Grant for years. Yesterday I discovered one more thing to admire him for–his wonderful “shed office.” He blogs here— and here.
Ann’s Cookies
Easter Sunday Night Message April 24, 2011 Speaker: Ken Pierpont
Are We There Yet?
Easter Message April 24, 2011 Speaker: Ken Pierpont
He Sang Your Lifesong Long Ago
Good Friday Message April 22, 2011 Speaker: Ken Pierpont
When You Fast
Series: Matthew’s Gospel Text: Matthew 6:17-19 Speaker: Ken Pierpont Date of Message: April 17, 2011 AM