It was Thanksgiving Eve 1987 maybe 1988. We were hosting the family Thanksgiving that year. We lived in a large country house and all the family was coming in to celebrate. Lois had her apron on and the house was warm with light and fragrant with cooking smells. The Methodists and the Baptists in the […]
Do You Understand the Providence of God?
You can watch the video of this message here. On September 29, 2019 I preached a message at Bethel Church in a series I called; “Knowing God by Heart” This message was on the sovereignty of God and providence. I have included it here in a manuscript for to be a help to you. I […]
Bittersweet Farm Journal (Number 96) Old Journals
Since last I sent out a Bittersweet Farm Journal we enjoyed an Indian Summer that reached into November. Along with my regular duties at Bethel I preached at a men’s retreat up north and a camp directors conference. I met some new friends at the conference and I was invited to some new places, a […]
A Post-Election Letter to My Church (November 2020)
A POST-ELECTION LETTER TO THE FRIENDS AND MEMBERS OF BETHEL CHURCH: What kind of world will our grandchildren inherit? This week it is clear that America is divided almost right down the middle. Almost everyone in the world agrees on one thing, though. 2020 has been a nightmare. There are wars all over the earth. […]