Last night Hope and I had a full moon walk around the pond. Dan and Wes came along for comic relief. They are really good at that.
Tonight Hope and I will take a full-moon drive up the Southfield freeway to Berkley Community Church. I’m speaking for a banquet sponsored by Boys and Girls Bible Clubs. A fall night, a full moon, free food, time with Hopey, story-telling for Jesus – it should be fun. I hope to encourage a lot of people to keep doing a very good thing.
It was on August 28, 1946. A third-grade girl walked down the street to see the tent that had been erected on the corner of Bertrand Road and US 31. Bertrand Bible Church was conducting a children’s Bible club. They used little flannel figures to tell the story of Jesus and explain the gospel. She and her sister heard the story of Jesus and were saved that day. That was over sixty years ago. Both of them have walked with the Lord faithfully all those years. One of those little girls was my Aunt Sue, the other was my mother.
Their family was in great turmoil at the time, but God began to work and heal. Starting with the girls, Jesus quietly made his way through the family one at a time, touching and healing and saving one and then another. Those little flannel figures can have a multi-generational imfluence.
When I was growing up, Mom continually devoted herself to children’s work, Bible Clubs, Good News Clubs, Joy Clubs, Five-Day Clubs, and VBS. She knew how life-changing they could be.
Great story Ken, you are amazin!
My faithful wife is my only commenter… Thanks for your loyal patronage, Lois. I love you.
I loved your story too. You had mentioned it once at Evangel and I thought it was great. It did bring back some memories for me. When Melina was in the 5th grade and in public school at the end of our street, there were a few ladies standing on the corner after school passing out some kind of flyers. I was sitting in our car waiting for Melina to come out, because is was raining, and I told Melina to go a get a flyer from the lady. It was an invitation to Boy’s and Girl’s Bible Club. Well, I was shocked to learn that they had been at this school for over 15 years and we had never known. Melina had been going there since kindergarten. We immediately signed the girls up (Olivia was in 2nd grade and Kayla in kindergarten). Bill and I, of course, sat in on the first day of Bible Club to make sure they were teaching sound doctrine and within a week I was working in that club. I have met some of the most wonderful people thru Bible Club and have seen some amazing transformations in many of the children. When I began homeschooling the girls I continued in Bible Club for a few years, then it got a bit hard for me. I stepped back but still continued having the summer clubs in my backyard. I also continue to help pass out those flyers in front of the schools because I know how important that job was in bringing our children to Bible Club. I am sure I will be back full force someday, as Sue has a club in Lincoln Park and needs help here and there. I am faithful to pray for all those faithful workers!