I’m in mid-life. I’m not at all in a mid-life crisis, but aging is sobering and thought-provoking. What am I to do with the rest of my life? At mid-life you think every day about how much time you have left to do what God has called you to do this side of the next life.
I’m a Follower of Jesus.
This I know. I am a follower of Jesus and I always will be. Whatever my future holds I will always and eternally be first and foremost a joyful, willing follower of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is my Savior. He is my Lord. He is my Treasure.
I’m a Husband.
September 8th of 1979, 35 years ago, Lois and I began to walk together in the covenant of marriage. As long as God gives us life we will walk together for the glory of God. It is my blessed duty to love her and to cherish her.
I’m a Father of Four Sons and Four Daughters.
God has “graced” us with these children. All but one of whom is now an adult. Within a month half of them will be married. By God’s grace and protection, by the month of October there will be a grand-daughter (Keira Lee Hancock), and four grand-sons; (Kyle, Oliver, and Leland Pierpont-born to Kyle and Elizabeth) and a male child born to Heidi and Austin. I know that a major part of my calling is to be an influence and example to this clan to inspire and instruct and influence them to treasure Christ and make Him known.
I’m a Pastor.
I have been a pastor for 35 years. I am about to complete my seventh year as the Sr. Pastor of Evangel Baptist Church in Taylor, Michigan. It is my duty to shepherd the flock of 600 active members, to teach them, warn them, train them, protect them spiritually, guide them into holy living by my teaching and the example of my life and family. Is it my job to lead the deacons and the staff and hundreds of volunteers in the life of the local church.
What About the Future?
This morning I woke, as I often do, thinking about how I can make the years ahead until the return of Christ or my departure to be with Him faithful and fruitful. Of course I will keep doing what I know I am called to do using the means of grace commended to us in the Scripture to nurture and nourish the body of Christ at Evangel. I will preach and teach. I will counsel, exhort, warn, admonish and rebuke. I will fast and pray. I will study and learn and listen and tell the sweet story of Christ and his love wherever I go every day. I will communicate vision to the people and train men to train others.
But this morning something else became clear to me.
I want to go immediately public with it here at www.kenpierpont.com because the site here will be a kind of record of this new emphasis. Here it is. I am going to use this tool (kenpierpont.com) to encourage, inspire and instruct others in the art of Gospel Conversation. I would like to do this through sharing tools that aid in effective gospel conversation and by telling stories of gospel conversations when I have them or when I can gather them from others.
These tools for gospel conversations and stories of gospel conversations will help you have gospel conversations of your own.
I am the Senior Pastor at Evnagel, but from today on I am going to think of myself as the Pastor for preaching, pastoral care, vision, leadership, outreach, and evangelism.
Gospel Conversations
As soon as I can, I am going to create a special section here at kenpierpont.com for Gospel Conversations. In this section:
Resources. I will point you continually to resources that will help you be more effective in gospel conversations.
Inspiration: I will point you to places to help motivate you to have gospel conversations.
Training: I will share tools so you can become faithful and fruitful in gospel conversation.
Examples: Often, I will tell stories of gospel conversations and the loving acts that lead up to effective gospel conversations.
The Lord made this very clear to my heart this morning. I hope you will visit often and share your experiences in gospel conversation with me.
Pastor Ken Pierpont
Granville Cottage
Riverview, Michigan
August 22, 2014
Here is a little motivation for gospel conversations
I will be watching and looking for something refreshing. Thanks Ken
Bob, thanks for writing. Hope I can be an encouragement as you have been to so many.
Learning Gospel conversations is always good. I thankful for your vision. May we see a movement of committed members to pray and share.
Charles Burch
Pastor Burch, I am thankful for your support and participation in the gospel for many years here and wherever you have been. Thanks for working with us for Christ and for people.
EI don’t know what term Gospel Conversation means, but if its God’s word being taught in a special way to help me grow in my relationship with Christ I would like to check it out. The Lord has been speaking to me lately about something more that I should be doing to further the Gospel message through my writing. Using my writing gift God gave me. To encourage others by sharing God’s love. Thank you.
When I use the term “Gospel Conversation” I am really just talking about sharing the gospel in a listen and talk conversational manner rather than just doing the “sales pitch” on people. I like to listen to people and “feel around the edge of their souls” for the cracks where the gospel truth goes in. Gospel conversation is best done in an established relationship where you have shown sincere love to the person first. I’m glad I conspired with the Holy Spirit to inspire you today!