The Shack is very popular. People often ask me about it. Here are some thoughtful links:
Preacher and Author Ray Pritchard has written a bunch of really good books. He has a beautiful web site full of free, helpful resources. I have read his blogs for years. He has read and commented on The Shack. I would suggest you read his posts on the topic if you are interested in the book.
Theologian Al Mohler discussed it on his radio program Mohler is one of the finest, most thoughtful Christian leaders in America.
Blogger Tim Challis has reviewed the book, too. I would suggest you download the PDF version from his site.
We who are teachers–who are trying to help people wrestle with human hurts and questions–will use every creative means possible, but we must keep in mind the warning of James 3:1:
Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.
Thank you for addressing this book. I was thinking about checking on it. This solved it for me. I won’t waste my money. There are too many good books out there.
By the way when is your second book coming out? I’m getting a lot of feedback on your first book now from Christians and non-Christians. They like it and are going to pass it along.