One Sunday night when I was a boy Steve Davis and I were pitching pennies in the basement of the church. One of the deacons saw us. He sternly warned us that we were never to play such games in the house of God and confiscated our pennies.
God’s Good Gifts
The Bible says, “No good thing will I withhold from those who walk uprightly.” Psalm 34 says that those who seek the Lord will not lack any good thing. This is true with food. There are things that God knows are good for us. Other things are not good for us they are not good […]
Angel Near Saugatuck
A few years ago a friend and I took the church van to a conference in Chicago. It was a great day. We learned a lot and we enjoyed being together. The teaching was thought provoking and on the way back we fell into the kind of easy conversation you can’t really orchestrate ahead of […]
Why Grandpas Repeat Themselves
Have you every noticed that grandpas are almost always story-tellers? And have you ever noticed that Grandpas usually repeat the same stories over and over again? Every grandpa I know does this. I have never heard of a grandpa who did not repeat stories.
Orville Pierpont
My Grandfather grew up near Chatham, Ohio in the days before every family owned a car. Once a week or so the family would hitch-up a buggy and drive it to town for food and supplies. He often told the story about what happened on one of those trips to town. It was winter and […]