8. Meditate on God’s Word Day and Night (Psalm 63:1-8) (Series: Between the Fires) Bethel Church | Jackson, Michigan August 29, 2021 AM Ken Pierpont, Lead Pastor
Christmas in Genesis (Video)
Last Christmas I preached three Christmas messages based on Messianic Promises from the Old Testament. You can watch them here. Bruised But Not Crushed Keeping Hope Alive Why Would God Bless You?
The Holiday That Reaches Down Into Your Soul (Sermon Video)
Sunday, November 19, 2017 was Thanksgiving Sunday at Bethel Church in Jackson, Michigan. Here was my message.
Consecrate Yourself to God (Romans 12) (Sermon Video)
Bethel Church–Jackson, Michigan Sunday morning November 12, 2017 Pastor Ken Pierpont Sermon: Consecrate Yourself to God Note: The message video stop about 5 minutes before the end. To hear the full message use the audio link below the video… Full audio of the message: https://kenpierpont.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Service-Romans-12-16.mp3
The Sovereignty of God-When Bad Things Happen (Sermon Video)
Here is my message from Bethel Church November 5th, 2017. Hope it is a help to you.