The longer I live the clearer I can see that Jesus in kindness and mercy has guided every step of my life for my good and His glory. I woke early with that on my heart this morning. The thought came in the memory of a song. Our home growing up was filled every day with Christian music. Mom loved to sing and play the piano. She often sang the songs of John W. Peterson. One of his songs has stayed in my heart all my life. Whenever I hear it my soul resonates with deep agreement. The song is entitled Jesus Led Me All the Way. I’m not sure where God will lead me, but when I reach the end and the beginning I’m sure… “I will tell the saints and angels as I lay by burden down, Jesus led me all the way.”
Some day life’s journey will be o’er.
And I shall reach that distant shore;
I’ll sing while ent’ring heaven’s door,
“Jesus led me all the way.”
Jesus led me all the way,
Led me step by step each day;
I will tell the saints and angels as I lay my burdens down,
“Jesus led me all the way.”
If God should let me there review
The winding paths of earth I knew,
It would be proven clear and true –
“Jesus led me all the way.”
And hither to my Lord hath led,
Today He guides each step I tread;
And soon in heav’n it will be said,
“Jesus led me all the way.”
Lord Jesus, thank you for your faithful guidance every day of my life. Guide my hands and my eyes and my heart and my words and even my secret thoughts today. I will see you one day face to face and thank you with all my heart. -Amen