Young man is waiting tables at a steakhouse last week. He’s assigned a couple rough looking bikers. Tatoos. Leathers. The whole deal. They gave him a hard time.
After a while one of the bikers said; “Man, I’m just messin’ with you. I’m a pastor and I work with people who are struggling with addictions.”
He gestured across the table and said; “My friend here just got out of prison. He was there because of his addictions. If you know anybody who is having trouble with addictions you can give them my number. That is my specialty.”
When the bikers left the young waiter discovered that they had left a tip of almost 50%.
God has his people. Thank God, He has his people out there seeking the lost. This guy was not sitting in an office waiting for nice tithing choir members to show up and fill his pews, he’s out there looking for trouble, for Christ’s sake and for the gospel.
Thanks be unto God.
Ken Pierpont
Granville Cottage
Riverview, Michigan
September 22, 2016