Yesterday we laid to rest one of Bethel’s beloved, long-time members. He was a retired educator, named Dave Collins. It was a beautiful autumn day the the funeral procession took the back way to Spring Arbor for the burial. The long procession passed beneath arches of trees yielding their leaves to a gentle wind. The procession passed the Western High School, the district in which he had spent his career. Along the way people worked in their yards and burned leaves.
For the last ten years I pastored in the Detroit Downriver. People there would never pull their cars over to show honor for the dead. Sometimes cars would even pass the procession. Out in Jackson County yesterday warm civility prevailed. Dozens of people pulled off to wait for the procession to pass. My heart was greatful.
A few miles west of the church out on County Farm Road an older man was mowing his yard astride an old John Deer riding mower. He stopped his mowing and saluted the procession until it passed.
I never want to be the old man continually whining about the way things used to be, but maybe someday, I’ll drive out County Farm road and look up that gentleman and thank him for is courtesy. I’ll bet he has a story to tell and I’d like to hear it.
Ken Pierpont
Bittersweet Farm
Summit Township, Michigan
October 20, 2018
Here is an interesting read from Country Living.