Telling other people about what Jesus has done in your life should not be difficult or complex. Someone said witnessing is just one beggar telling another beggar where he found bread.
While hiking North Manitou Island last July I was talking with a friend about witnessing. He told an interesting story as we walked. When he was ten he was walking down the street one day in East Grand Rapids Michigan, delivering newspapers when he saw a young lady approaching. She was carrying a backpack. When she got to little Mike she looked strait into his eyes and with a radiant smile said, “Jesus loves you.” Without breaking stride she walked out of his life.
A few years later Mike came to faith in Jesus Christ, but he always remembered the word the girl with the backpack spoke in passing
It helps me to know that I am not responsible to “make converts.” I just need to nudge everyone I meet one step closer to Jesus. Kind deeds help. Careful listening is always powerful. But sometimes just a word in passing will lodge deep in someone’s heart and ring in their ears for years. Maybe even for eternity.