We were all enjoying a day at a family fun park together. I was standing at a counter. A wad of tickets lay on the counter in front of me. I asked the young woman on the other side of the counter, and employee of the park, if she knew who the tickets belonged to. She was impatient and impolite. I said; “Excuse me, can you tell me who’s these tickets are?” She jabbed her finger toward a young boy playing a video game and said without looking at me; “Yea, they belong to that kid over there.”
I smiled. “That kid over there” was named A.J. He was only ten and looked no different than the other kids, but he was special. We happened to be guests of A. J. and his family. In fact, the entire establishment belongs to his family. Furthermore the park itself was named after him. It was called; “A.J.’s Family Fun Park.” The impatient girl who didn’t even know his name was really his employee. Her paycheck was drawn on an account named after him. She had no idea who he was.
Two thousand years ago a teenaged mother was looking for a place to give birth to her first baby. They could only find a cave where sheep were usually kept. This in a world He himself had created by the word of Hid mouth. He came to His own and his own received Him not. She brought forth her firstborn son and laid him in a manger because there was no room for him in the inn.
But someday everyone will recognize Him. Every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him. (Revelation 1:7) Everyone in the world He created will receive Him. The angels will sing and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father.