I wrote this just before bed sometime last week: After dinner I spent some time in my wooden rocker on the evening porch right under the hummingbird feeder. I came in at dusk when the sky was blushing pink to write a little before sleep overtakes me. I rose early this morning and I’m a good kind of tired. I think I will sleep with the window open to the night air.
My swanky weather app tells me that the overnight low will be around 65 and we will likely awaken to the rumble of thunder in the morning. Lois has been away for most of a week. She has returned home so I will have company to talk and to pray and to feel a welcome presence in the bed beside me while I sleep.
Hope came home joyful tonight with news of an answer to a need she never really prayed for but only thought about. Her eyes were bright as she told the story and there was a little catch in her voice. We talked at dinner about how our Heavenly Father knows what we need before we even ask him. (Matthew 7:7-11).
“God remind us to turn our worries into prayers. You’re a good, good Father. That’s who you are.”
Sunday morning we had a visiter at Bethel from Virginia. He was a truck driver staying in a local hotel, looking for a church to attend. He told me his story. He was born in Northern Iraq, and used to be Muslim. One day, on a spiritual search, he heard in a Christian Church that God is loving like a good father. He said; “I am a father. My heart is full of love for my children. When I heard of the love of God I became a Christian.”
I told his story at Bethel Sunday morning and the people celebrated with him.
It’s true. He is a good Father, a good, good Father.
Bittersweet Farm
May 27, 2019