Indianapolis Training Center
Friday Session:
Last night (Thursday) our family sang; “One Little Lost Lamb,” and Mr. Gothard interviewed myself and three of the children to encourage the dad’s who had assembled for the meeting. Mr. Gothard then spoke on things a father can do to bond with his sons and daughters. He gave all the men some books and a beautiful printed resource on how to write meaningful letters to each of your children.
Doug Small delivered an anointed message. The heart of the message was this: What question are you asking, “How close to the world can I get?” or “How Close to the Lord Can I Get?” At one point in the message there was weeping and a clear, strong resonance in the spirits of the men. At the end of the session was a beautiful season of prayer. We went to bed with our hearts full and a deepening desire to see how close we can get to God in our lifetime.
It’s a sunny day and there is a very distinct sense of spring in the air here in Indianapolis. The trees are trying to blossom this morning. My heart longs for spring to break out in the hearts of the men today. I hope you will pray for the Spirit of God to fall on this group today.
This morning we sang together on our knees; “More Love to Thee O Christ.” We sang from our knees, ” – hear Thou the prayer I make on bended knee – ” We are spending the day delighting in the Lord. The men are setting aside meals to seek the Lord today. Late this afternoon we will examine our hearts and we will observe communion together before we go to dinner.
Kyle is here with us. Dan and Wes are taking in the sessions. After work, Chuk will be driving down to join us.