I like coffee. For Father’s Day last year my first-born son bought me one of these new Keurig brewers coffee makers… and my second-oldest son bought me a full pound of Starbuck’s breakfast blend coffee beans. Oh, my…
I usually enjoy at least one good strong cup of coffee every day. But I got a jolt today reading World magazine. I have always considered drinking coffee safe. I’ve taken it upon myself to do a little reading on the subject and the opinions are mixed but for the most part coffee is considered safe.
At least in Nevshir, Turkey though, where Rahime Sahine lives, drinking coffee may expose you to some unusual hazards. Rahime was enjoying his coffee with some friends and playing dominoes when he suffered a broken leg and was knocked unconscious. This, mind you, in his local coffee house engaging in a docile table game. According to the World Magazine piece a cow fell through the roof and landed on Rahime.
Apparently the cow wandered from a nearby hillside where it was grazing onto the roof of the coffee house which was built into the side of the hill. The last line of the news story assured us the cow was uninjured. They must just have tough cows in Turkey. I wonder if he was drinking the coffee black or if he ordered his with cream?
I don’t know about you but from now on before I order up a Carmel latte or frappichino I’m going to check the roof.
Kenneth L. Pierpont
Riverfront Character Inn International Conference Center
Flint, Michigan
May 26, 2003