When Chuk (our second-born son, third-born child) was working with Starbucks he came into work one morning a co-worker named Latif, a tall, handsome young man from a Muslim family had a story for him.
He told him that early that morning a customer drove up and ordered his coffee and then said, “I want to pay the bill for the car behind me, too.” Then he added; “Please just tell him that Jesus loves him.”
When the next car pulled up to the window he passed on the message, “The car ahead of you paid for your coffee this morning and he wants you to know that Jesus loves you.”
Latif was eager to tell Chuk because he knew of his love for Jesus.
Being a witness can be simple and fun. Attach the name of Jesus to acts of kindness and good-will to others. Leave people with a smile on their face. Do something to nudge everyone you meet every day just a little closer to Jesus, and get the name of Jesus into play. It is a powerful name.
Ken Pierpont
In Winona Lake, Indiana
July 24, 2014