(OK it’s an app. I’m not that old yet)
I feel led to confess that I am, I think kinda’ hyper. Maybe I am ADD. I don’t know if that is a real thing just an excuse, but if it is a real think I have it. I might just have a kinda hyper streak, but if we can call it ADD it may evoke sympathy instead of disgust. So, let me just self-diagnose myself with Attention Deficit Disorder. (I wonder if there is government funding for that)… but I digress… all the time, it’s part of the problem.
People sometimes ask me to fly somewhere or drive somewhere far away and have me talk but people who get to know me well enough to give me critical input say I talk too fast and sometimes I don’t finish my sentences.
But something just keeps coming up and I can’t shake it. Time is short and people need Jesus. Lots and lots and lots of people need Jesus. They are not living well and they will not die well. We have good news for them, but for some reason they are not getting it.
That is where we come in. We need to get the good news to the people around us while we still can. I keep having ideas but I’m kinda’ hyper and ADD and I get distracted and spend a lot of my time on this and that and the other thing, usually running Christian things and doing Christian things and I don’t get the good news to people who need it.
It is like I have seed to plant, but I just don’t get much of it out. I don’t think I’m alone. I just don’t think most of us are getting the seed planted as often or as much as we should… And I’m getting older. I have less and less time left!
Maybe we are easily distracted.
Maybe we are lazy.
Maybe we don’t really believe.
Maybe we are selfish.
Maybe we are shy.
But for some reason the seed is in the barn and the people are perishing.
So here is my idea. It’s a super-simple way to keep from being distracted in the task of getting the good news to people who need it. Jesus said;
“…But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”” Acts 1:8 NLT
Here is my simple plan. Get a prayer partner. Everyone should have a prayer partner. You may meet once a week or call or zoom or text or e-mail. You may meet in a pew or in the lobby after the service. You may meet for lunch or breakfast or coffee. You may work out or walk, but you have a prayer partner and you hold each other accountable to read the Word, pray, and tell people about Jesus.
We use the PLIG Plan at Bethel. Pray for a lost person. Love a lost person. Invite a lost person. Have Gospel Conversation with a lost person. PLIG. You and your prayer partner can hold each other accountable to pray and read the Bible and PLIG-be a witness.
Let’s do it and see what will happen! Even if you are hyper or ADD.
Bittersweet Farm
February 11, 2023