We used to be all together on days like this. I miss that, but life changes and we have to do what we can to stay as connected as we can. I am missing Kyle and Charles today, remembering Labor Days in the past and looking forward to times together soon.
Isn’t it funny that on Labor Day nobody is supposed to labor? I know it’s not, but I always see Labor Day as the end of summer and the beginning of fall. Last night on the way home from church we passed fields of corn and soybeans drying and turning from the lush green of summer to the golden brown of autumn. It’s been a swift summer for us. I hope it has been a good summer for you. Maybe today we will grill out, bike or stroll the neighborhood, or toss the football in the street. Maybe I’ll get ambitious and clean out the gutters or move boxes around in the garage. Don’t wear yourself out. Have restful Labor Day. You need it. It’s almost fall and things are going to get busy. Soon you’ll be dartin’ around like a squirrel on a four-lane highway.