We spent the weekend in the north again preaching between the fires in the West Side Chapel on Camp Barakel. (www.campbarakel.org) How I thank God for that place and the people who serve there. It is one of the sweetest places on earth to me. I preached on four Psalms.
Friday night I preached on Psalm 133, a pilgrim psalm for men. Saturday morning I taught Psalm 112, on how to be a happy man. We spent Saturday night in Psalm 32 on how to deal with guilt. One the Lord’s Day I preached on one of my favorite Psalms, Psalm 8, that God is bigger than any problem you have. I love the Psalms, they tug my heart Godward.
The boys and I enjoyed a good stout mountain bike ride through the hills on Saturday afternoon. Thanks to Chuk’s good aim we also won the giant water balloon sling-shot competition.
Chuk is closing in on his Bachelor’s degree. He is now a senior and he could finish this summer, but he has chosen to give his summer to ministry and on the final day of May he will go north to Barakel for the summer to be a counselor there. I can’t tell you how happy and excited I am about seeing him do that.
If you are a Michigan or Michigan State fan you will be happy to know that Thursday Walt Talbot took Chuk flying out over the thumb. He banked for some pictures and Chuk got a little airsick. He didn’t quite make it back to the airport before filling his Ohio State cap with the fruit smoothie he had eaten earlier in the day. I told the men at Barakel that story this weekend and they cheered wildly.
Sunday night we were back at Byron and I preach on Laboring to see Christ formed in others. (Galatians 4:19) I will write more about that soon.
MEN’S CONFERENCE: This weekend is the Men’s Conference. If you are interested in attending please send me an e-mail and I will send a flyer with all the information you need to register. We have three speakers, including myself and some good food planned, too. Send me an e-mail at ken@kenpierpont.com