If you really love people you will care about where they will live for all eternity. For someone to be right with God they must understand the message of the gospel and believe that the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ was the full payment for their sin. But how do you get that message of the gospel to people who don’t understand why it is important?
That is where my tip comes in. Here it is without any fanfare. This is the best evangelistic tip I know. In a simple sentence this is the best advice I can give you about how to influence the eternal destiny of another person. Here is my favorite evangelistic advice:
“Love them ’til they ask you why.”
If you want to get a hearing for the gospel, don’t try to over-manipulate the conversation so that you can corner them with your rhetoric. Don’t memorize a slick sales spiel and unload it on a stranger before he can object. You don’t have to marshal complex arguments and answer difficult objections. Just do this: Love them and keep on loving them until they ask you why.
Even if the person you want to influence for Christ is a total stranger you can love them by showing genuine interest, asking questions about them and listening to them.
You will be surprised what a powerful idea that is. Just love them ’til they ask you why.
Kenneth L. Pierpont
Riverfront Character Inn
Flint, Michigan
March 8, 2004