As usual for the first of November in this part of the world the wind has stripped bare the last of the leaves from all but the oaks. The rest of the leaves blew out of the trees like colorful snow. Kendall Krause, a faithful Stonebridge subscriber had a birthday yesterday. He is on staff here. His wife Penny made him apple pie. We visited them after church last night and helped them eat it. It was good enough to make moderation difficult.
We celebrated Kyle’s 23rd birthday on Saturday. While we are talking about baked goods, I should tell you that Heidi (you can see her lovely picture at made him a from-scratch carrot cake good as I ever tasted. We will celebrate Mr. Gothard’s birthday on Tuesday and I will turn forty-six on Wednesday. (I’ll be expecting you to e-mail me a birthday blessing. It’s the least you can do after all the e-mail blessings I have sent you). In spite of the weatherman’s predictions to the contrary the sun came out to help us celebrate. I think we’ve had our Indian Summer now. By late this week there is a possibility of snow. It’s Thanksgiving month, time to get the sweaters out of mothballs.
STORY-TELLING. This past week I spoke and Holly participated in the Effective Communications course here at the Character Inn. One of the speakers was John Walsh a fellow Christian storyteller. I was excited to have him as a guest. I had read his book on storytelling. On Friday night a large group of students and guests gathered in the lobby for a perfect evening of story-telling. John stood by the fireplace in the lobby and with two simple stories amused, entertained, motivated and inspired. Once again I was reminded of the power of simple stories.
YOUNG LADIES GATHERING. Holly is planning a weekend event for young ladies in late January. You can read all about it here: If you know a young lady that would enjoy a weekend like this let us know. Registration is now open. You can call the Front Desk during business hours and they will take your reservation over the phone. Call 810-239-1234.
VOTE. I hope you vote on Tuesday. It is a critical election. “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” The blessing of God shines down on people who honor his law but peoples who reject God’s rule will suffer judgment. They will have economic judgment and they will be oppressed by their enemies. May God help us by the end of this week to find ourselves with a leader who will tremble before God and stand courageously before the rest of the world. May God spares from judgment and give us a statesmen who will resist the great moral corruption of our time.
Flint, Michigan
November 1, 2004