The last morning of January lay a cold, beautiful, white blanket across our world. During the daytime the temperatures rose, melting the snow on the roads and walks and leaving the branches and grass dressed in white. January had been mild—one continuous January thaw—so the snow was a welcome change that did no harm.
We are longing to feel the warm sunshine on our heads, but we are Michigan people—people of the north-and we are deep in the heart of winter, so while we wait we are content with a book and a cup of coffee by the fire looking out on the snow-covered world.
We add a log to the fire. We tend to the birds. We walk in the snow. We devote the time that we would be mowing the grass and tending to the yard in warmer times to a good book or a creative project.
One of the secrets of happiness is to learn quiet contentment with what God has provided for this moment. Spring will come in it’s time as spring always does. God is good and all that he does is good. Now it’s winter—it’s God’s good winter.
Ken Pierpont
Granville Cottage
Riverview, Michigan
January 31, 2017