One morning this week I woke up with ideas running through my head I had to get on my hard drive. I jumped up, opened my laptop and began to write as the sun came up over the mountains. I was staying in Tennessee, feasting my eyes on the beautiful green hills. The week was cool. Breeze blew soft and steady through the window just like I like it. After a couple good hours of writing I began to think about how a good nice strong cup of coffee would go down just then. When I am writing and the ideas and phrases are coming freely I hate to stop because sometimes it takes days to get back to the same level of productivity again.
I woke up Kyle and Chuck and asked if either of them was in the mood to get a dozen Krispy Kreme Donuts for the family and a big stout coffee for me. Since we were in Tennessee, Chuck volunteered to go… maybe it was the spirit of the Volunteers that came over him. He grabbed the keys left on his errand. I went back to my laptop.
In about a half hour I began to be distracted thinking about how good that coffee would taste. About that time I heard Chuck coming through the door and shouted; “Do you have my coffee, Chuck?”
“I did Dad, but I dropped it in the parking lot.”
I got up. “Did it all spill out?” I asked hoping for just a drink of the coffee I had so anticipated.
“It all spilled out.”
I fought a deep frustration within and considered leaving to get more. When I checked my watch I realized I would only have enough time to groom and dress and get to the morning session. Chuck said; “I’m sorry, Dad. I kept it from spilling in the van all the way here and it hit a mirror on the car parked beside me in the parking lot.” He had a frustrated look on his face. I felt bad for him. I noticed he watched my reaction closely. I had really been looking forward to drinking that coffee… but when I thought about it, it really was humorous. I laughed and said; “Don’t worry about it, Chuck. I guess I was supposed to go without my coffee today.”
When he saw my reaction the dark frustration left his face and it was replaced with the smile that makes him so fun to be around.
Within an hour I was sitting in the morning session listening to Gary Smalley and it hit me that God had blessed me in a special way that morning. There is not a day that passes that I don’t try to think of ways to express my love to each of the children. I have often thought of ways to show Chuck that I love him in a special way. The Lord knows that is a great desire in my heart. And early that morning he arranged a special circumstance for me to demonstrate to Chuck that I love him with all my heart, and all it cost me was a cup of coffee. I good deal if you ask me.
Be careful you don’t overlook the special opportunities the Lord arranges for you to love people. They are easy to miss. Here’s a thought for the day; “Irritations are opportunities in disguise.”
Well, I’d like to go on but I think I’ll go brew a pot of coffee.
Kenneth L. Pierpont
June 9, 2003
Riverfront Character Inn
Flint, Michigan