–Help me prayers
–Please help others prayers
–Thank you prayers
–I’m sorry prayers, and
–I love you prayers
I told them what my mother taught me when I was a little boy crying at night because I lost my baseball.
She called me downstairs and we sat on the bottom step and she said; “Have you told the Lord about it? Have you prayed.”
“No, it seemed like such a small thing…”
She said; “Listen to me. If it is big enough to make you cry, if it is big enough to keep you awake at night, it’s big enough to pray about.”
I have taken that advice thousands of times in my life. I hope to teach the little ones in my life the lesson my mother taught me at the bottom of the stairs that night years ago in Logansville, Ohio.*
Bittersweet Farm
October 4, 2019
P.S. I prayed that night and in the morning I found my baseball and I learned a powerful lesson about prayer.