A wise man recently told me the secret to overcoming feelings of rejection. He said something like this: “Always know that you have something valuable to give and you will not feel rejected. If you had a stack of one hundred dollar bills to give away you would not care if someone did not want to talk to you, you would just go to the next person.
But you have things to give away that are far more valuable than money. You can give a smile or a sincere compliment. You can praise someone based on a character quality that you have seen in them. You can give help when someone is in need. You can share a gift or your skill or talent with them. You can give them a gift of your stories.”
I especially liked that one because, when you think about it, a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ has something more valuable than all of the treasures of the world to give away, he has the story of stories, the gospel of Jesus Christ which is the secret of eternal life to those who believe. With such a treasure to give away, why would any Christian ever feel rejection?
Ken Pierpont
Riverfront Character Inn and International Conference Center
Flint, Michigan
August 10, 2004