When I was ten I dressed like Opie Taylor. I wore Levis, basketball shoes, a red felt cap, and tee-shirts with stripes. On fall Saturdays when I was growing up there were chores in the morning, listening to football banter on the radio. Usually I helped (watched) Dad work on the car or prep the house for winter. We installed storm windows, clean gutters, made trips to the dump, puttered about the garage and raked leaves. Dad always washed the car on Saturday. In the afternoon we would go in town to make hospital calls and come home to listen to football on the radio or sometimes watch the game on TV.
The evening was different, though. At about 6:00 p.m. things began to change. The house began to quiet. The TV was turned off. Shoes were shined for church. Clothes were prepared. Dad would quietly study his sermon. Mom would prepare for her class or practice her music. We would be sent to our room to do our “quarterlies.” (our Sunday School books). The little brothers (now both pastors here in Michigan) were given their baths. Our offering was set aside. That’s the way it was growing up for me.
I hope you have a routine of preparation for worship. A routine of preparation is a part of your worship. It is a way to show honor to God and remind your whole family of your devotion to Him and their dependance on Him. People who take corporate worship seriously and honor God are honored by God and blessed by God. That’s the way it is. I’ve seen it for years. God honors those who honor him. (1 Samuel 2:30).
Under the Mercy;
Ken Pierpont
Granville Cottage
October 12, 2013