Sometimes you hear people say, “Leave your troubles at home and come to church.” I’m not sure that is the best way to look at it. I might say, “I know you have troubles, bring them to church with you.
Jesus is bigger than your troubles.” My mother used to tell me, “God is bigger than any giant you face.”
Maybe you should make a list of your hurts, your sins, your worries, your irritations, the things you are ashamed of, and just bring that list to church with you and see what the hymns and songs have to day about them. See what the Sunday school lesson has to say about your list. See what the Bible has to say. See what your brothers and sisters have to say about your list. See if the preaching helps you deal with something on your list.
Who knows. It might lighten your load. There is something to think about. Your list does not intimidate your God. Bring it along. He can handle it.
His eye is on the sparrow. He’s got the whole world in his hands. He’s got it all in control. See Ya’ Sunday. List and all.
See Ya’ Sunday
Ken Pierpont