Gary Smaley’s kidneys failed. After a search for a kidney donor, his own son volunteered to give him one of his kidneys. Gary opens his book, Your Relationship with God, telling the story of that morning. He was cold, uncomfortable and grumpy. He was in an uncomfortable hospital gown irritated and impatient that things were taking so long. What he didn’t know was why. In that very moment, in the room next door, his son was fighting for his life. When the doctors removed his son’s kidney his lungs collapsed. Both men survived, but Gary realized that he had drifted from fellowship with God and given in to selfishness.
When you are tempted to irritation and anger don’t give in to selfishness. Get all the facts. Listen to the hearts of the people around you. There may be someone you love in the next room who is struggling to hold on to life.
Ken Pierpont
Granville Cottage
Riverview, Michigan
January 14, 2011