I don’t complain about the weather. So don’t consider this as complaining—just reporting the facts. It seems like it has been a long, cold, lingering, snowy winter. It’s spring now but it has been a cold spring so far. We have enjoyed some very welcome sun, but it has been cold—unrelenting cold. It’s been hard to get warm. The house is cozy and warm, thank the Lord, so we have spent a lot of time indoors and we really haven’t bundled up and ventured out too much.
Lois and I lie in our bed every night and thank God from the deepest place in our hearts for what God has done in the last year. He has been so good and so faithful to us. We love Him more all the time.
We’re so looking forward to getting out in the yard and tending to the place in the fresh air. Lois has some plants and flowers started.
Soon we will remove the plow from the tractor and attach the mowing deck. The grass will turn green. The flowering trees will open. The trees will bud and leaf. We will turn off our furnace and open our windows to the night air and the night sounds.
We love to take long drives in the beautiful countryside. It is beautiful in every direction even in the cold gray of late winter and early spring.
I’m writing in my reading chair just now where I can keep an eye on the bird feeders and watch the sun as it slips out of site over the hill behind the line of trees to our west. It is such a quieting thing to watch when I’m home in the evening. The line of trees is on the crest of a hill about a quarter mile west of us and when the sun goes down behind them the sky is a little different color every night.
Right now the leaves are bare and the stark branches are beautiful filtering evening sunlight. Tomorrow I’ll fill the bird feeders again. If I do it tonight the deer will have them empty by morning. I love to see the deer so close to the house. They seem like graceful, cautious, creatures. I don’t think they know they are safe with me.
Ken Pierpont
Bittersweet Farm
Summit Township, Michigan
April 10, 2018