Friday night the family did a concert at Bethel Baptist Church in St. Clair Shores. Sunday night we returned from a weekend in Shipshewana, Indiana where we sang and preached at Emmanuel Christian Fellowship. We were hosted by the Robert Weaver family. It was a nice weekend. On Saturday we had a little time to explore the village of Shipshewana. The whole village was glowing with Christmas lights and ringing with carols. We strolled through the village, sampled the good “Amish-style” food and spent some time resting by the fire in the inn where the people graciously hosted us. Sunday we sang and preached and ate together.
This coming weekend we don’t travel. I will be preaching at North Baptist Church right here in Flint in the morning service.
I am reading Jan Karon’s latest, “Light from Heaven” and the new biography of Dr. James Dobson, “Family Man.” Both a good reading.
This morning I am up a little earlier than usual because almost all of the single staff and students have gone home for the holidays and I am working the front desk on what we call “second shift” which is from 3:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. It gives me some quiet time and some time with the Lord.