The other day we were visited by a couple young men who claimed to be with the Flint Duct Company. They looked a little suspicious. Holly alertly called me to the front desk. I met them and asked them who sent them. They gave me a name I didn’t recognize. I said, “Have him call me. I didn’t ask for anyone to look at the ducts.”
They left. I followed them out of the building and they were getting backpacks from behind the bushes. I asked for their ID and they claimed to have left it in the truck. I asked them where the truck was. They said it was parked down the street. I asked why they didn’t park closer and they mumbled an illogical answer. I followed them for a while. I wondered what they were doing.
When I got back to the building I was working on a chore when Ken Krause came up to help. He helped for a while and then he said, “I really have to go. I’m supposed to meet the duct cleaners here soon.”
“Oh, no” I said. “I just chased them off down the street.”
Ken said, “Mr. Horst called them in to inspect the ducts. You sent them away?”
“Well, yes, they looked like school boys… “I answered. They had no I.D. No one said anything to me about having the ducts inspected or serviced.”
“I’m so sorry, Ken.” I said apologetically. “I had no idea.” A mischievous smile spread across Ken’s face… Holly had told him the story so he thought he would have some fun with me. I’m easy to fool. I have been a pastor all my adult life and have no experience managing a business let alone running a skyscraper.
Ken had his fun but I will have my day some day. He had better watch his back…
I walked over to the desk and said; “Holly, is there any way you can get those duct cleaner guys back who were just here. Mr. Horst had called them in. I guess we were wrong. They were legitimate. Holly said, “O no. I have no idea how to get a hold of them. They just seemed like kids.” Then I smiled and Ken enjoyed another laugh. Holly said we should go to work instead of wasting her time.
As we walked away I heard her say, “Hey Chuck, have you seen the duct guys here. Mr. Horst needs you to show them the ducts.” Chuck said, “What ducks do they want to see?”
Living in Flint you have to keep your eyes open all the time. There are those who will deceive you if you are not savvy. Jesus warned that the same thing is true in the realm of the spirit. There will always be deceivers in this world trying to misdirect the Saints and send sinners to hell. If he can’t kill you and have your company in hell he will do what he can to ruin your life with sin. That’s why we are warned to walk circumspectly in this evil world.
Kenneth L. Pierpont
Riverfront Character Inn
Flint, Michigan
November 24, 2003