Charles Kenneth, Cecilia, Lalea, and Aspen Gail
Our son Charles is the Youth Pastor at First Baptist Church in lovely Portland, Michgian. Portland is a city on the Grand River between Lansing and Grand Rapids. Chuk has been asked by Senior Pastor Gary Coleman to preach one Sunday evening a month. We are deeply grateful to pastor Coleman for his coaching and encouragement to Chuk and his family. Clearly the Lord led them together. Here are the sermons Chuck has preached to the church at FBC Portland this year.
The God of the Mountains A sermon preached by Charles Kenneth Pierpont at First Baptist Church of Portland, Michigan on Sunday morning, May 28, 2018.
Good Citizens; A Sermon by Charles Kenneth Pierpont preached at First Baptist Church in Portland, Michigan on Sunday evening, April 22, 2018.
Joy. A sermon preached by Charles Kenneth Pierpont at First Baptist Church of Portland, Michigan on March 18, 2018
Spiritual Quality of Life; A Sermon by Charles Kenneth Pierpont preached at First Baptist Church of Portland, Michigan on Sunday evening, February 18, 2018
The Fellowship of the Gospel. A sermon preached by Charles Kenneth Pierpont at First Baptist Church of Portland, Michigan on Sunday evening January 21, 2018
The Fellowship of the Gospel, A Sermon preached by Charles Kenneth Pierpont on Sunday morning April 2, 2018 at First Baptist Church of Portland, Michigan