We are still taking reservations for the Family Enrichment Weekend coming up March 7-9 at the Character Inn If you would like to attend print a registration form from the www.kenpierpont.com web site and send it in right away and we will reserve you a room or two. If you have questions give me a call at 810-239-1234 or send me an e-mail at ken@kenpierpont.com.
We are on the road after a good weekend at Camp Barakel. The sky is clear and the sun shines brilliant on the snow. We are driving south on a road I have never traveled in daylight before. We are in pine and birch country and the stretch of road we are covering has more contour than most places in Michigan. The guys are riding in Kyle’s Volvo. The girls are following in the van. We are taking advantage of the drive to plot our adventure this summer. We’re not sure where we are headed but we are sure it will involve hiking and primitive camping.
It is good to get out and look on some big things and fill our lungs with first-hand air. The food and the Christian fellowship at Barakel must be some of the finest in the world. Toward evening last night I was standing between the twin fireplaces in the West Side Chapel and remembered a favorite quotation of C. S. Lewis. “Is there any pleasure on earth so great as a circle of Christian friends by the fire?”
The richest teaching is the teaching of Jesus. The greatest books are books about Jesus. The sweetest songs are the songs of Jesus. The deepest fellowship is the fellowship that we have in Jesus. These are rare delights that only those who walk with Jesus really understand and enjoy. That has been our experience this weekend.
In all there were six or eight young people who indicated a desire to become followers of Jesus this weekend. Dozens stood to publicly consecrate themselves to Christ. Only the Lord knows the real fruit of our labor. This morning I closed the weekend with a message entitled: “What to Do When Life Hurts.”