Lately I’ve been doing some thinking about church. A church is:
…a hospital for wounded soldiers
…a resting place for weary travelers
…a guide and outfitter for hearty adventurers
…a training center for disciples
…a place to wash one another’s feet
…a family reunion for brothers and sisters in the faith
…a feast for hungry children
…a fountain for thirsty souls
…a place of sacred song
…a quiet house of prayer to talk to God
…a celebration for those with happy hearts
…a comfort for those with broken hearts
…a life preserver for those in spiritual danger
…a temple for devout worshippers
…a community of forgiven sinners
…a place on the earth to get in touch with things eternal…
A vital church is a powerful thing…And what makes it so? Not brick and mortar as helpful as they are, but people, God’s people in a community of faith together. God has promised to send the blessing of life evermore were brothers and sisters dwell together in unity. (Psalm 133)
A church should be a dynamic place of spiritual vitality. It should be a place where families have been strengthened. Homes are built. Hearts are stirred for things eternal. Missionaries are sent to tell the sweet story of how Jesus loves sinners and died to offer them the gift of eternal life. May it ever be so. Since Jesus died for the church we should be willing to lay down our lives for her too.
Kenneth L. Pierpont
Riverfront Character Inn and International Conference Center
Flint, Michigan
September 22, 2003