The guys were going to Grand Rapids to a book store that smells of coffee. Then they were going to spend some time looking at guitars. I had other things to do but I really didn’t like the idea of the guys being gone all day without me. And I especially didn’t like the idea […]
A Plastic Eight-ball
A. W. Tozer once wrote: “What comes to your mind when you think about God is the most important thing about you. Worship is pure or base as the worshipper entertains high or low thoughts of God. The man who comes to a right belief about God is relieved of ten thousand temporal problems.” That’s […]
About a year ago I picked up the phone and called Mrs. Neleigh. She was my literature teacher when I was a senior in high school in Greenville, Ohio. I had not spoken with her since June of 1977.
Freddie, Who Was Dumb
We once had a dog we called Freddie. I can’t remember why we gave him that name… in fact Freddie wasn’t a him at all. Come to think of it Freddie was adopted from some neighbors who moved away. She looked a little like a squat German Shepherd.
Christmas Things You Do All Year
A couple days after Christmas I noticed one fella’ tossed his tree, lights and all in the dumpster. Sometimes it’s a little hard to adjust to life after Christmas. The day after Christmas… lights and all…