06:00 PMKen PierpontSeries: Psalms for the Seasons of Life; Psalm 37
Wonders of the Night Sky
My good friend Joe has a great sense of humor. He overheard me talking about the wonders of the night sky and sent me this: Wonders of the Night Sky.
Mad at Being Mad
I picked this up from Todd Wilson’s Family Man Newsletter… which I love: “Guys, I am dad of 7, well 6 now. I took my 20-year-old to Air Force Basic training today – WOW! I haven’t had a flood of emotion like that since they were all born. We have the 20(b), 14(g), 12(b), 7(g), […]
Last night I noticed three young teens horsing around with skateboards over in Riverview. They were wearing the uniform of rebellion. They were looking like they were eager to get involved in something questionable. They looked like trouble. They looked like they were impressing each other with profanities. They looked like they were disrespectful types. […]
Theology to Doxology
Autumn is always a time that I am reminded of the brevity of life and how fragile it is. My friend Pastor Dan Cummings has been journaling from his bed of affliction. It would be worth your time to read-though his most recent thoughts. Here is one that really made me stop and think: “7. […]
Rice Myth
Have you heard the rice myth? When poor little birds eat rice their little tummys swell and they die in writhing agony. Read all about it. Isn’t it curious how many of the same “earth conscious” people that worry about little bird tummys and litter–labor with all their might to pass legislation and elect people […]