Revelation Series: Message 12 The Control-Center of the Universe (Part 1)
Lewis Shellenbarger’s Last Words
One evening in 1987 I got a call from a young man named Eddie Earnest who was serving as a deacon at our church in Ohio. An old friend of his was in the hospital. His name was Lewis. Lewis had been driving a cement truck when the front tire blew and he lost control […]
Lessons on the Porch (Part Five)
(Here is my final installment in my series of blog-posts: “Lessons on the Porch”) When God began to move my heart to pray more faithfully, more frequently, more fervently I knew that prayer was a clear command and emphasis of the Bible. I didn’t need any confirmation of that. All I had to do was […]
Lessons on the Porch (Part Four)
Last August God began to work in my heart, bringing me to deep conviction about devoting myself to prayer in the same way I have devoted myself to the ministry of the Word for the last 36 years. Using the Word, the the inner voice of the Spirit, and divinely-arranged circumstances, He moved me to […]
Eager Repentance (Rev. 3:14-22)
Revelation Series: Message 11 Revelation 3:14-22
Lessons on the Porch (Part Three)
Sunday night August 10 God spoke to my heart in a very clear way out on the porch after a long Lord’s Day of ministry. He challenged me to devote myself to prayer in the same way I have devoted myself to the ministry of the Word. The next morning God arranged an experience for […]