Building Better Relationships I (Love) 1 Cor. 12:15 Bethel Church–Jackson, Michigan June 9, 2019 AM Pastor Ken Pierpont
Building Better Relationships I (Sermon) Video
Building Better Relationships I (Love) 1 Cor. 12:15 Bethel Church–Jackson, Michigan June 9, 2019 AM Pastor Ken Pierpont
As You Age
Most of us are tempted to be judgmental and critical—to examine other people’s sins more than our own. It starts out as a bit of an indulgence—just yielding to a little innocent temptation to drop a word of criticism and cynical barb—a little witty jab into the conversation. It feels good and it draws a […]
Jesus People VI (Sermon) Video
Jesus People (Matthew 7:13-29) Bethel Church–Jackson, Michigan June 2, 1019 AM Pastor Ken Pierpont
Bittersweet Farm Journal (Number 47) Stop the Car First
It is sunset on the Lord’s Day out on Bittersweet Farm and my heart is peaceful. I taught my Sunday school class this morning, preached, visited shut-ins to sing hymns and share communion this afternoon and taught the teens this evening. Bethel Church just keeps growing every week. It is cool and beautiful out now […]
Jesus People IV (Sermon) Audio
Jesus People (Matthew 7:13-29) Bethel Church–Jackson, Michigan June 2, 1019 AM Pastor Ken Pierpont