Look on the sweet baby Jesus in the tiny infant form he took upon himself the night of his incarnation. Now step out into the cold Judean night. There no city lights obscure the grandeur of the heavens. The winter night is clear and cold and quiet. You can hear noises echoing through the mountains. You can see the uninhibited brilliance of the stars and the suns in the night sky. Stand silently for a while. Remember the Shepherd Psalmist who said, “when I consider the heavens the work of your fingers, the moon and stars which you have ordained, what is man that you are mindful of him…”
Then think-the tiny tender mouth that nurses at the breast of the Jewish peasant girl in the manger spoke into existence everything you can see tonight to the farthest corner of the cosmos beyond the scope of human investigation.
The dimpled hands of the infant boy formed all the great mountain ranges of the world like a child playing at the beach.
The chubby feet of baby Jesus walked the waves of all the thundering oceans of time.
The dark eyes of the little Jewish infant beheld the unfolding of time from before there was time.
His body was new to the world, but his spirit never had a beginning.
The voice that cried out in the Palestinian nighttime commands the loyalty of the entire world
He is maker of the universe
He is the master of the universe
He is the maintainer of the universe
Now go back and fall on your knees and worship the Baby creator!
Praise ye the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation
Oh my soul praise him, for he is thy health and salvation.
All ye who hear, now to his temple draw near.
Join me in glad adoration
If you read the first chapter of John, the first chapter of Colossians and the first chapter of Hebrews you will see that the little baby Jesus was active in creating everything that you see and millions of things beyond your sight.
He is the Creator of the Cosmos in a Cradle.
He is big enough to make everything out of nothing. He is big enough to make anything out of you. He is the God of creation and he is not done creating. “If any man be in Christ he is a new creation, old things are passing away and all things are becoming new.” He can create in you a clean heart, he can renew a right spirit within you.
We recently started studying The Gospel of John in our sunday School class. It starts like the book of Genesis and draws our thoughts to an eternal place rather than to a manger. I’ve always wondered about the baby Jesus and how all things could be “consisted” through Him as he lay in His mothers’ arms and grew to be a man. I still have no clue but I do believe it because of Colossians 1. Thank you for your message about worshiping the baby Jesus. I often have wondered if we should think in these terms. I don’t hear that kind of idea very often with the Creator as a baby, although scripture loudly proclaims it. Thank you for your post. We attend Grace Baptist at Mesa, AZ. We are GARB also.
Great to hear from you. I would love to visit someday….say in January or February 🙂 Thanks for taking time to write.