This is the drive away from the cottage where we are staying for the Eternal Impact Summit.
This is the view from the house on Duck Point. This is one of the quietest and most beautiful places I have ever been. I wake up ever morining with a profound sense of the kindness and goodness of God. From this point it is a run of a little more than four miles around Wolf Lake. Every step is like a postcard picture.
Dr. Larry Guthrie spoke on Friday night. He has worked with young people for many years and has powerful rapport with them. He spoke quietly and simply on things that Lord showed him in the quietness of a deer stand. He told the young people that the seven scriptural promises the Lord showed him in the deer stand have come to pass by the work of God in his life.
He went on to say thee things:
We are too noisy
We are too busy
We are make too many plans
He gently charged the men and women to get alone with God and listen quietly to the voice of God until he speaks truths to their hearts. He said; “Have confidence that the desires that he gives you in those still and quiet times are things that he is going to bring to pass in your life. That has been true with me as I have listened to God in the quiet of a deer stand.”
After the session many of the participants happily exhausted themselves playing speed volleyball or ping-pong. Others stood around with coffee, tea, hot chocolate, or cider in one of the sweetest expressions of Christian fellowship I have ever seen.
beautiful colors of our Father…. Thank you…
I am always watching the internet for a few choice words form you special trips and ministries…
Singing His Praise….
“Tis A Miracle of God”
Love you