Today is Hannah’s Birthday. She is twenty-three today. Today I’m re-posting a poem I wrote when she was born:
Our snow-enshrouded home was nestled
neath God’s providential care
Anticipating the arrival
of a special package there.
Then as if dispatched from heaven
borne on angel-wings
A parcel came to rest among
our festive fashionings
What a priceless little bundle
of life and dreams and love
Came into our home last Christmas
like a present from above.
Yuletide night my eyes were misty
if I must tell the truth
For the Christmas gift from heaven
of our precious Hannah Ruth.
Kenneth L. Pierpont
December 1989
[…] Hannah was born at home on December 19th, 1989 at 6:54 a.m. I wrote out the birth certificate by hand at the kitchen table that morning. She has been such a delight to me since I first held her beside the Christmas tree that Christmas night. My heart was so happy when she was born I was inspired to write a poem about it. […]