Today is a bitter-sweet day for us. Two of our eight children have married and live in other states. Three more will leave today. Holly and Hannah are leaving this morning for the summer to counsel at Lake Ann. I’ve seen what the girls are taking to camp for the summer. Holly’s little Ford will be full to the sunroof. If they ever need money they can start a Thrift Store with their clothes. My heart rejoices to think of them driving into the beauty of northern Michigan to spend the summer in the service of Christ.
Chuk will stuff his green Pathfinder and move to South Bend this evening. He will have a new ministry with the Jr. High youth at Grace Church where Kyle is the youth pastor and he will work at Lowes in Mishawaka.
This summer there will only be three of our eight children at home. It’s a high emotional price to pay to lower the food bill a little. When they go they never take all their stuff so you see it and it triggers sweet memories. I’m glad we live in the day of electronic communication. We have Skype, and e-mail, Facebook, Gmail, texts, iPods and Blackberries, so we can keep in continual touch with each other. I am deeply grateful that each of the children are serving the Lord. This has been our life-long passion for each of them. Since you are Stonebridge reader, you will be hearing their stories.