Sunday morning our furnace burbled to life and faithfully warmed the house for the first time since late last spring. The floor is warm when I make my coffee and oatmeal in the morning. I have a sense of warm well-being as I putter almost prayerfully about my morning routines. Last night the temperatures were in the mid-forties here. On the way home last night I sipped a hot carmel-apple cider and watched the moon rise full in the east. Today the sun will climb up over the lip of the world into a cloudless blue October day. I’m going to try to make room in my schedule for a quiet walk along the Lower Huron today. It will be good for my body and soul. Tonight I will speak to the faithful mid-week group at Evangel and we will gather into little clusters of prayer to close the day.
Last week I wrote a tribute to Lois, my wife of thirty-five years. It was very well received. I am sending it along to you so you all can enjoy it too.
A Tribute to Lois
by Ken Pierpont
For thirty-five years of ministry and life Lois has been the anchor of our home and a blessing to hundreds and hundreds of people over the years as a Pastor’s wife. She was not raised in a Pastor’s home. She learned how to be a Pastor’s wife by trial and error.
She is a person of resolute conviction.
She is a person of unimpeachable integrity.
She is a person of unswerving loyalty.
She is without guile.
She loves Jesus.
She listens to people.
She is willing to challenge her husband-pastor and say what needs to be said, but in rough water there is no-one in the world that I would rather depend on.
In order for us to be in ministry she has worked tirelessly to help pay the bills. She bore four sons and four daughters and taught each of them at home all the way to graduation. She has followed me wherever God has led us including being willing to sacrifice over and over again so we could be a blessing to people.
She has a tender conscience and she is truly a God-fearing woman. She has done exactly what I have asked her to do as a Pastor’s wife.
Many, many people have shown her great kindness and respect, but when we have been mistreated she has had Kentucky-girl tenacity and will not be intimidated by bullies.
In all this she maintains a child-like love for life. She is content with simple things and has been willing to be patient with my weaknesses and areas where I am not gifted.
I am so proud of her and I love her and respect her more every day.
Stop today and take time to think deeply about the people God has placed in your life. Maybe it would be good for you to take some time to express your thoughts about them… while they are still alive to hear them.
Ken Pierpont
Granville Cottage
Riverview, Michigan
October 8, 2014