This morning I got word my grandfather in the faith died. He never knew me. The man who led me to the Lord (my Dad) was saved after reading Billy Graham’s book “Peace with God.” So, you see, there is a sense in which my grandfather in the faith died today. He was 99 and he finished faithful to God. God be praised.
Thanks be unto God for his faithfulness and his heritage. Thanks be unto God for his initiative to preach and evangelize and write and make the gospel plain.
Makes me think. What initiative should I take today to help someone understand that good news that Jesus died for their sins and they can have peace with God?
In honor of Billy Graham’s life and legacy I’m going to call a friend today and invite him out for lunch and tell him the good news that changed all our lives when my dad read that book…
Ken Pierpont
Bethel Church
Jackson, Michigan
February 21, 2018
Pastor Ken, I will pray that your friend accepts your invitation and that you are able to touch that place in your friend that opens his eyes ttyl the truth of the gospel and that the Holy Spirit takes him before God’s throne of grace.