A storm passed through this afternoon and when it cleared the evening was fresh all around out on Bittersweet. I should have taken a long walk but I delayed, the sun set, night fell and I missed my opportunity. Maybe I’ll walk in the morning.
It’s peaceful here tonight, but it’s been a hard week. Much sad news has burdened the hearts of Americans and others all over the world. The sky seems dark overhead and there is a great sadness in my heart. I can’t imagine the sorrow of the parents and loved ones of the slain school children in Texas. Immediately on the heels of every tragedy is an exchange of political vitriol and partisan hatred. Immediately people, politicians, and pundits take advantage of the tragedy to force their political will on others.
Most of us have loved ones the ages of the children who died. Their beautiful faces spring into our thoughts. We can’t imagine a world without them in it.
Last Friday night I visited our daughter’s home. Our grandson’s slippers were waiting for him there on the stairs. They were the first and last things you see coming and going. It was hard to see them there because we knew he was away for the weekend and we would not get to see him.
Later, doing some writing in my quiet loft I was reflecting on the children in Texas whose lives were so violently taken. I can’t imagine the pain of seeing their slippers on the stairs and knowing they will never wear them again. God help us.
Today I talked to my daughter and she was excited to tell me that she is starting a prayer group for mothers. There are people who say prayer does not matter. But God says exactly the opposite. He promises that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. (Read the Epistle of James). We have broken hearts and unanswered questions, but we have loved ones who have to grow up in this world and as long as we are alive there will be prayers. As long as we have to deal with the anxiety and sadness we feel in a world where madmen can kill children we will need to pray.
We will pray without ceasing and we will trust in the goodness and the providence of God. We will commit to his care all those who are to small to defend themselves against the dark evil forces that threaten them before and after they are born.
I’ll walk in the morning and I will remind myself that rain and dark skies can dampen my spirit but that same rain makes things grow… beautiful things grow after rain. There is a big rock in the treeline. Sometimes I sit there and I think and pray. Maybe I will stop there tomorrow and ask God to do what only he can do.
My soul melts away for sorrow; strengthen me according to your word! (Psalm 119:28)