What’s Up (Written on Sunday, February 9, 2020)
This morning I left for the church about half-past-six. The sky was clear and a nearly full moon shone in the western sky. So the whole wide world as far as I could see was moon-lit and snow-covered. There is fresh snow out on Bittersweet tonight. It’s the Lord’s Day and we are warm and well. It was a good day at Bethel Church. We started a series of messages based on the letters from Jesus to the Seven Churches in Revelation. We had some new families visit this week. Our teens are returning from Barakel today. This week I attended a leadership conference at Ada Bible Church with son Kyle and Chuck and my brother Nathan. Tonight our son Daniel starts the police academy in New Mexico. He is a sheriff’s deputy. Those are some of the things that are up around here. The dear still graze in the back meadow every night and in the near north field. Turkeys stroll out of hiding occasionally. I hope you and yours are doing well.
It’s winter out on Bittersweet and it will be for a while. That is Michigan for you. We love it here and winter is a part of the Michigan we love.
(Written on Sunday, February 16, 2020)
This afternoon the sun came out and the temperatures climbed into the 40’s which was delightful. Everyone in town washed their car. I took Grenfell through the wash. It got me to thinking about the blessing Grenfell, my Toyota Camry, has been to me since I got it in June of 2017. God has supplied all we have needed. This car came to me through the diligence and generosity of our son Daniel and his wife Katelynn. They bought it new and paid the depreciation and then sold it to me for a very fair price and until I secured my pastorate they supported us every month in about the amount of the payment. Whenever I turn the key, I remember and I thank God for his kindness and for our son Daniel. Grenfell gets over 35 miles to the gallon of gas.
Mom and Dad announced their retirement from the pastorate today after over 60 years of faithful ministry. Here is what my other wrote on her Facebook page today:
“Over 60 years ago Ken and I began our ministry together in October of 1959…..at IL-Mo Christian Camp in Illinois and this morning Ken gave his notice of retirement to our dear people at South Litchfield Baptist Church here in Michigan. What a blessing and privilege it has been to serve our Lord. Jesus Never Fails! We will be moving on the 13th of March to Kalamazoo to live at The Village of Sage Grove. We would appreciate your continued prayers for us as we scale down and transition to this change in our lives.”
I grew up in their home. I watched their faithfulness. I saw and experienced God’s direction and supply all those years. They were faithful. He was faithful. He supplied all they needed all those years and used them in the lives of many, many others. Many men have gone into the ministry as a result of my parents ministry including a significant number of family members. So we do thank the Lord. In a few weeks the brothers will join together and move them out of the parsonage and into their place in Kalamazoo.
Mike Anderson wrote this in a comment on their post: “I sensed my call to the ministry under Pastor Pierpont’s ministry at Maple Avenue Christian Union Church in Newark, Ohio in the early 1990’s. I will be forever grateful for the faithful example of both of you reflecting what it means to love and follow Jesus. I am a life that was changed!”
All God’s best to your wonderful Christian parents in their retirement years!
You’re writings always encourage me, enjoy the pictures too. Praying for you’re parents move and they’re next transition and phase in their lives. Everytime I give thanks for the people God has so graciously put on my path that have really made such a powerful impact on my life, you are one of them. When ever I have been so blessed to be in your presence or even follow your stories and sermons on the internet, it makes me want to be a better person, ( i wanted you to know what a difference you have made in my life) only two other people in my life that have done that for me, my grandma and my counselor. I always pray that God will bless you and your family and give you all His Favor in your lives. Much love to you all, you all mean so much to me!, Thank you for being such a godly influence an example in my life!
Cindy Sharpe. Thanks for your comment and your kind words. I’m glad to know God has used me to encourage you. Thanks for your encouragement to me.