My wife has listened to me preach two or three times a week for almost thirty years. After all that time I wonder if I’m a little like the old clock in the corner to her. I keep ringing but she just doesn’t really hear me anymore. A while ago I was preaching on God’s love and God used my message to help her in a sweet way.
The love of God for his children is one of the most powerful truths in the Bible. According to the Bible when we meditate on God’s love for us we are strengthened with might by His power in the inner person and we are filled with all the fullness of God. (see Ephesians 3:14-17) Those are big, big promises. Since that is true it would not be a bad idea to spend some time every day just thinking, reading, praying, meditating, and even singing about God’s love for you.
I preached this a few years ago and challenged people to search the Scriptures for statements of God’s love. I encouraged them to start of list of things that happened to those who are loved by God. I also believe that God loves us so much that he puts little “love notes” along our path. God sent his Son Jesus to die to demonstrate his love for us while we were still sinners. He openly declares his love for his children in His word, the Bible, but I also believe he wants us to pay attention as we go through each day for evidence of his love for us. When we do, we will see that He says, “I love you” in many ways, many times. I told them to look around every day for ways that God says, “I love you.”
During the time I was preaching on looking for little ways that God is saying “I love you,” Lois was out working in her flower bed one morning and thinking about what I had said. Her hoe hit something hard. She dug out a small rock about the size of a dinner plate. To her delight it was clearly in the shape of a heart. She cleaned it off and kept it as a reminder of God’s love for her. She had unearthed buried evidence of God’s special love for her. When I got home that night she asked me to go out and look at it. When we moved to the Granville Cottage she brought it along.
I love her. I don’t ever want her to doubt it. I don’t ever want her to forget it. I want her to feel my love for her in the deepest place in her heart every day so I tell her every day and I try to show her too, but I know her Heavenly Father loves her with a perfect, eternal love.
I’m thankful for the thousands of days and thousands of ways my Father has demonstrated his love for me. I’m sure one of the most powerful things a person can do is develop the capacity to see the hand of God, and sense the love of God in the world around her.
Ken Pierpont
Granville Cottage
Riverview, Michigan
March 3, 2008
I Love you too, dear.
Thanks for another note of encouragement. Cheryl and I just celebrated 40 years of marriage and this prompted me to give Cheryl daily reminders of my love for her as well as the Lord’s love.