Real Faith: The Epistle of James Real Faith Works James 2:14-26 Bethel Church–Jackson, MI July 8, 2018 AM
Real Faith Resists Pride, Prejudice, and Partiality (James 1:1-13) Video
Series: Real Faith; The Epistle of James Real Faith Rejects Pride, Prejudice and Partiality (James 2:1-13) Bethel Church–Jackson, Michigan June 24, 2018 AM
Real Faith Resists Pride, Prejudice, and Partiality (James 1:1-13) Audio
Series: Real Faith; The Epistle of James Real Faith Rejects Pride, Prejudice and Partiality (James 2:1-13) Bethel Church–Jackson, Michigan June 24, 2018 AM
The Time of Tiger Lilies
Sunday evening I returned from camp. One of the Bethel faithful was on his death-bed so before I came home I drove to see him. He lives in the beautiful countryside northeast of the church. On the drive out to his house the road was lined with banks of Tiger Lilies blossoming, bending forward, waving […]
Real Faith is Visible and Active (James 1:19-21) Video
Real Faith: The Epistle of James Real Fatih is Visible and Active (James 1:19-21) Bethel Church–Jackson, Michigan June 17, 2018 AM Ken Pierpont
Real Faith is Visible and Active (James 1:19-21) Audio
Real Faith: The Epistle of James Real Fatih is Visible and Active (James 1:19-21) Bethel Church–Jackson, Michigan Ken Pierpont