Bethel Church-Jackson, Michigan
Ken Pierpont-Lead Pastor
October 22, 2017 AM
Series: The Heart of the Christian Faith
Title: Salvation (Romans 3-5)
The Heart of the Christian Faith-Message One; Admit Your Sin
Series: The Heart of the Christian Faith (Romans)
Sermon Title: (Message One–Admit Your Sin)
Text: Romans 1-3
Speaker: Ken Pierpont, Lead Pastor-Bethel Church–Jackson, Michigan
Date: October 15, 2017 AM
Romans: The Heart of the Christian Faith (New Series)
The Bible book of Romans is the heart of the Christian faith. To experience the five movements within the book over and over again is to make your way deeper and deeper into the heart of God. From October 15 to Thanksgiving at Bethel Church we will discover those five movement in Romans.
When Your World Caves in On You (Rev. 5)
Here is a link to the message from Bethel Church in Jackson, Michigan October 1, 2017 AM.
Bethel Sermon Video and Audio
Most of you know that I am now the Lead Pastor at Bethel Church–Jackson, Michigan. Our messages are available in live or archived video or in audio podcast form. I hope the messages from Bethel Church are a blessing and help to many. Our service can be seen live at this link. Our sermon video […]
God Knows What You Need
Red Jeep Journal
August 25, 2017