Years ago God planted a seed of vision in my heart for a godly family. Since then I have continually asked God to help me raise a family that would stir the hearts of others to embrace the ways of God.
Logansville, Ohio
Get out a Map of Ohio. Look in the middle of the state. The big city there is Columbus. Now look slightly to the left. Do you see Bellefontaine? Follow State Route 47 West out of town until you see a little dot in the highway labeled Logansville.
Heidi’s Swing
We used to have the world’s greatest tree swing. The swing was high in the branches of a Chinese Elm that grew at the corner of our big country house in Knox County. It must have been at least fifteen feet or more off the ground.
Help With Big Decisions
A couple years ago I began to notice that my precious oldest daughter was moving from pretty little girl to beautiful young woman. Her name is Holly and we have an agreement. I get to help her find a husband when the time comes. She doesn’t want to make the decision alone. She thinks her […]
Full-Time Job
There is nothing quite like the joy of watching the little mouth of a newborn search for his mother’s breast as soon as he comes into the world. I have had the privilege of observing the nurture and nourishment of eight little babies from the vantage point of my own home.
Christmas on Harland Street
We lived on Harland Street in Grand Rapids when I was in kindergarten. We rented a simple white house. It’s the one on the east side of the block with a diamond-shaped widow on the side by the driveway. The house was divided into two apartments. The landlord lived upstairs, we lived downstairs.